Vegetarian Club

Vegetable farming in Kisumu county

Here is a new chapter added to the Kenya Vegetable Club. It is a logical next step towards promoting vegetarianism in the region and help locals turn vegetarian for good health, better lifestyle and save nature.

Somehow I get connected with right people at the right time for the right cause. Ms. Atiano Otiano of Mandeleo Ya Wanawake, a local group helping women to become self sufficient in Kisumu county has been instrumental in finding such ladies and reaching out to them. She checked with local farmers who genuinely needed seeds to start their farm. We reached the site through a local rough road into the interior part of the village where the farm was ready.

I could manage to explain the importance of vegetable diet and the importance of vegetable farming to the local farmers who were eager to know more about health, how to save crops, which vegetables to grow, how is the demand of vegetables in Asian community.

During my research I found that many vegetables come from western and other counties to Kisumu and Kisumu alone can’t produce that much Bhoga in the region. It is mostly because of the lack of knowledge and attempt made by people. I am sure through this drive, we will be able to make many farmers start producing the vegetables in the region and will reduce our cost of importing.

Our club donated the seeds of spinach and Sukuma wiki and manure to help these women start farming. I strongly feel that investing in the seeds is better than donating ready food to needy. This seeds would take them a long way and make people independent and self sufficient.

I am really thankful to Alka who came with me as it was a good support to this cause.

Hopefully this drive will get bigger and bigger as time passes and will reach millions of farmers directly and encourage them to grow everything in the region itself.